Oyo townhouse at Gurugram

Oyo townhouses are flagship hotels of OYO, which represent the ethics this company stands for when it comes to providing premium hospitality. SD Inc… got an opportunity to design this flagship outlet in Gurugram. The idea was to create the most comfortable experience for the users who visit this hotel. A hotel design should be efficient in terms of its service, opulent, and luxurious when it comes to the presentation and experience delivered to the clients. It’s also very necessary that the architecture and interior designing of hotels have provisions for seamless circulation of staff members while being relaxing for the guests it hosts. The two worlds should be intertwined but not merge for the best hospitality experience.
The townhouse designed by SD Inc… takes proper care of all these aspects and also carries the tradition and ethos of service provided by Oyo perfectly. The theme of the hotel and interior stick with the grey color palette of typical townhouse hotels. The ample punctures in the facade, with wide balcony spaces and naturally lit shaft, make sure that clients can enjoy the outdoor views from the comfort of their hotel bed. The punctures are complemented by frames in light wooden color, which is an unconventional combination and provides this hotel with an iconic look, despite subscribing to the palette of OYO townhouse. This elevation serves as a landmark to remember while being urban and contemporary in its facade.
The interior design of this hotel provides efficient movement for staff, smooth circulation, and ample spaces for guests to lounge about, drink their coffee looking at trees, or just mingle. The connection to nature however doesn’t compromise on the privacy aspect of the guests. This architecture project is an amazing example of the expertise of our firm in hospitality design. The aim is to deliver the best to the client’s expectations and requirements and create the most livable and enjoyable spaces for the user.
Connect with SD Inc. to get your own interior design consultation.
Year: 2018
Categories: Architecture