Unparalleled Living Room Design

The following residence design is a blend of modern luxury, lavish interiors, and minimalism. This is a particularly hard spot to hit, where the design for the living room is ornate and glamorous without being over the top or gaudy. This residence fits the requirement of the client to attain high-end living, rich looks without compromising on modern effect or functionality. As a result, the interior design uses golden accents but minimalist forms. Further to enhance the design, bold wall pieces are used as resting spots for eyes giving the whole interior a bold and luxurious look without going overboard.

The living room is an exercise in achieving a very subtle, but impactful design in terms of luxury. The living room interior design for this residence is the epitome of sophisticated, rich design but also oozes warmth and comfort. The plan is kept open and fluid and made to look spacious with the use of cut mirrors and wooden partitions. The palette is a mixture of muted tones, brass, and wooden accents and focuses on natural, soft textures. The accents are beautifully complemented by the whites of the furniture, which subdues the whole look and shifts the focus on minimalist brass and copper fittings. The minimalist brass light fixtures and the diamond cut mirror partition are highlights of this rich, opulent, and classic interior design for the living room.

The use of wooden paneling for the walls and partition gives warmth to the space, which is further enhanced by the soft lighting, giving an overall honeyed effect to the whole space. This is complemented by potted plants and a beautiful vase which liven up the corners and provide much-needed vitality to the space. The furniture chosen carries the whole look together, being very subtle in its tone, it completes the whole space. The use of a bold, yet very glamorous art piece sets the tone for the space, oozing richness and warmth.

The wall colors are also kept light and pastel so that the focus is shifted on the details. It is rightly said, the god lies in the details, and that’s the mantra followed for this living room. The larger elements are kept understated and details are rich, luxuriant and bring out the lavishness of the space. It’s an important aspect that the design looks and feels very open, yet cozy. This can be attributed to the interior designing for the living room features of the space.
Year: 2021
Categories: residential